6th WCSET-2017 at Indonesia
Technical Session 5:
Title: Investigation
of PET Plastic Waste Processing to Oil using Pyrolysis
Nuryosuwito, Sudjito , Widya Wijayanti, Mega Nur S
Abstract: This research aims to
design pyrolysis reactor, develop pyrolysis operating
procedure, and to investigate the effect of pyrolysis
temperature to liquid product quality. The pyrolysis
experiments will be performed in batch reactor equipped
from carbon steel with 20 cm inside diameter and 40 cm
height. The experimental conditions are as follows:
temperature range 250-420 degrees C, and reaction time
0-60 min. From all variables studied, it seemed that
temperature had the highest effect. Chemical reaction
rate constant was affected by temperature in accordance
with Arrhenius equation. The activation energy of k was
12145,4 cal./mole, respectively. This value was not so
far from the extreme values (104 cal/mole) presented by
Westerterp et al. These facts ascertained that the
chemical reaction step controlled the overall rate of
reaction. The highest volatile matter conversion in this
research was 80,2%, and this was obtained at process
conditions of 60 minutes and temperature of 420oC. The
pyrolytic oil yield increase with the increase of the
temperature and its composition becomes more variative
and few contents of carboxylic acids and aromatics
Keywords: Domestic Waste, Rubbish,
Kinetic, Pyrolysis