6th WCSET-2017 at Indonesia
Technical Session 2:
The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Problem on An
Aggregates Production Stages of the Road Construction in
Central Java
Authors: Setiyo Daru C,
Sobriyah, Ary Setyawan, Prabang Setyono
Abstract: The road construction has
role an important on a success of a country development,
related a provision of the transportation access. A
greenhouse gases (GHG) emission becomes a main impact of
these activities, which regarded as a trigger of global
warming. The stage of material production produces a
largest CO2 emission in a whole cycle of road
construction. This research estimating CO2 emission from
the material production of aggregates on a road
construction in Central Java. The objects are 4 main
stone crushers sites on Central Java: Pancadarma
(Surakarta), Bengawan Readymix (Boyolali), Jaya Mix
(Salatiga), Kragilan (Boyolali) and Masaran (Sragen).
The method of calculation applying an emission formula
of Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
based on approach of fuel consumption. The supporting
data collected with a bottom-up approach (primary data).
The total emission of an aggregates production is
reaches 5393,86 kgCO2 daily which a highest emission
value was obtained on The Jaya Mix (Salatiga) reaching
2716,36 kgCO2. Based on substages of the aggregates
production, the highest emission consecutively produced
by a processing of aggregates (46,25%), transportation
(40,34%) and distribution (13,41%). This research shown
that a value of emission on the aggregates process
depends on fuel consumption which have tendency on
inefficiency in transportation stages.
Keywords: Construction, Aggregates
Production, Greenhouse Gas, Carbon dioxide, IPCC Method