5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam
Technical Session - 4
Design an organizational diagnostic model supporting
business process reengineering of Vietnamese companies
Nguyen Thi Duc Nguyen, Bui Nguyen Hung, Tran Thi Kim
Loan, Huynh Thi Phuong Lan
Abstract: This
study focuses on designing an organizational diagnostic
model to significantly support business process
reengineering at Vietnamese companies. Based on
referring quality management systems implemented
successfully over the world, especially, the framework
of Baldrige Performance Excellence in Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award; European Foundation for Quality
Management and Australian Business Excellence Framework,
an organizational diagnostic model including ten systems
is designed: (1) Leadership; (2) Supporting system of
goal achievement in strategic planning; (3) System of
responding benefits or value of customer expectation;
(4) Improving system of business process capability; (5)
Information system, assisting decision making; (6)
Variation controlling system in the manufacturing
process of main products; (7) System of human resources
development; (8) Supporting system for organizational
learning and continuous improvement; (9) System of
building company image in community; and (10) System of
meeting requirements of the main stakeholders. Then, the
designed systems in the organizational diagnostic model
are adjusted to suit the business environment in Vietnam
through focus-group discussing in the seminar with 20
experts who are managers of Vietnamese companies.
Overall, this study provides an appropriate
organizational diagnostic model in the context of
Vietnam which helps Vietnamese companies have a critical
picture for self-diagnosing, selfevaluating
of their business performance to identify business
process reengineering efficiently.
Keywords: Business process
reengineering; Business performance; Organizational
diagnostic model; Quality management systems; Vietnamese