5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam 

Technical Session - 1

Title:            A novel Image Security measure with conventional in-browser methods
Authors:       Ditipriya Sinha, Rituparna Chaki
Abstract:      The extensive use of e commerce creates new ways for both image and brands to be attacked. Attackers use various gimmicks and techniques to find various loopholes in the system. While there has been good ways to identify threats, educating customers and identifying countermeasures. Attacks on customer sensitive information has the adverse effect of decreasing the consumer faith on online transactions, which happens in ecommerce. Prevention is better than cure, good knowledge and understanding of the online threats can be used as a tool to avoid online attacks. We describe an image rendering technique for protecting images in the ecommerce sites from being copied by fake vendors. The scheme does not allow any type of modification to be made to the image and generates an alarm whenever any user tries to do so. The advent of internet with ever increasing bandwidth resulting in more speed has led to a sudden upscale surge in the e-commerce sites around the internet. The users have the luxury of shopping for 24x7, and the sellers have the advantage of keeping the sites open always. The improved reach to customers, coupled with low operational costs has made this a popular choice among budding entrepreneurs. It has been seen that online fraud has been one of the biggest set-backs for China’s e-commerce. Products with fake brand images have continued to appear in different sites, creating problems for the buyers as well as original sellers. The problem of pirated music and videos has long been known to cause troubles to dealers of originals. At present, another problem is threatening to ruin the e-commerce sites. When new goods are sold in certain e-commerce markets, buyers have trouble distinguishing between genuine goods and fake goods. Fake goods sellers use the same photos, so buyers are unaware of the duplicity. This is a particular problem for many of the e-commerce sites. The traditional methods of image protection include watermarking, tiling, etc. In this paper, a study of existing solutions for image protection has been presented, together with a research gap analysis. Finally, a secure logic has been pro-posed for image protection based on the technique of image rendering.

Keywords:  E-commerce, AJAX, HTML5 Canvas
Pages:        227-233

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