5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam
Technical Session - 1
Design and Construction of Bipedal Robot System with
Dynamixel Ax-12a Actuators
F. Ali, W. Z. Ming, A. Z. Shukor, M. H. Jamaludin, M. F.
Miskon, M. B. Bahar
Abstract: The
main objective of this research is to design and
construct of a practical bipedal robot with obstacle
avoidance system by using Arduino microcontroller board
and Dynamixel AX-12A servo as actuators. In recent
years, robots have been developed to substitute human to
carry out some critical tasks in dangerous environment.
The purpose of this research project is to design and
construct a bipedal robot which is capable of walking
and also able to avoid obstacles autonomously. The great
challenges in designing a bipedal robot are to choose
suitable actuators for each joint and also to ensure the
stability of the biped robot during walking. In this
project, it is proposed to implement Arduino
microcontroller as the main brain to the robot. The
project development started with design and construction
of a bipedal robot by using SolidWorks and followed by
design of electrical and electronic configuration using
Proteus ISIS, stability study and controller
application. In the early stage, experiments are
conducted to interface Arduino microcontroller and
Dynamixel servo motors. Then, the bipedal robot is
constructed and assembled using Bioloid bipedal robot
platform by Robotics. The walking pattern is embedded
into the bipedal robot and tested for several trials.
Parameters such as servo motor angle of rotation, center
of mass and static walking motion are obtained and
analysed in terms of the capability to achieve stable
forward walking motion. Error analysis and trajectory
analysis have been carried out to see the performance of
the biped robot walking motion as compared to the actual
human walking motion. As conclusion, a practical 12
degree of freedom (DOF) bipedal robot has been designed
and constructed by using Dynamixel AX-12A servo motors.
The built robot is able to perform walking autonomously.
This robot is very practical and suitable to be used in
robotics subject in order to learn the basics of
humanoid robot.
Keywords: Bipedal, robot, Arduino,
Dynamixel, Humanoid