5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam
Technical Session - 3
Development of Aluminium Based Hybrid
(AA5083/FLYASH/SiCp) MMCs for Ship Building Applications
Tushar Soni, S. Manish, V. K. Harshavardhan, Sandeep
Ramini, Rudranaik M., Avinash L., Muralidhar Avvari
Abstract: In
this investigation,
A5083(Al-0.4%Si-4.5%Mg-0.4%Fe-0.4%Mn) alloy/Fly ash/SiCp
Hybrid composites with various weight fractions of fly
ash and SiCp were prepared by using electromagnetic stir
casting process. Microstructure, hardness, tensile,
compression and impact test properties of these
composites were evaluated and compared with as-cast
alloy. In addition, tribological properties of these
composites were evaluated using a Pin-on-Disc apparatus
at a constant sliding velocity of 2m/s and pressure of
0.35 MPa. Microstructural observation suggests that
electromagnetic stirring action produces cast high
performance hybrid Aluminium 5083/Fly ash/SiCp MMC with
smaller grain size and there is a good particulate
matrix interface bonding. The mechanical properties of
composites increased with increasing the weight
percentage of fly ash and SiCp upto certain percentage
and then decreased. The present paper highlights the
salient features of casting technique and
characterization of aluminium alloy A5083 and alumina
metal matrix composite.
Keywords: A5083, Permanent Mould
Casting, Sliding Velocity, Reinforcement,
Microstructure, Tribology