5th WCSET-2016 at Vietnam
Technical Session - 1
The effect of montmorillonite on water-in-oil emulsion
of Omani heavy oil in a steam injection EOR process
Ibrahim Al Hadabi, Kyuro Sasaki, Yuichi Sugai, Amin
Yousefi Sahzabi
Understanding the behaviors of clays containing in the
oil in the reservoir is important to design a process of
enhance the oil recovery, especially steam flooding
(Steam-EOR). The objective of this paper is to
investigate the effects of montmorillonite clay on
physical and rheological characteristics of heavy oil
and its emulsion during Steam-EOR. The experiments were
carried out using Omani heavy oil (21.5 °API at 15 °C)
containing montmorillonite particles by changing their
mass ratio in the oil. The measured results showed that
the montmorillonite has no effect on the rheology of the
original oil. The effect of montmorillonite on emulsion
(water-in-oil) formed by steam injection was also
studied by changing montmorillonite mass ratio in the
oil. It has been cleared that the montmorillonite in the
oil has a function to reduce the emulsion viscosity by
contacting condensed water. The viscosity of the
emulsion C, respectively. Those results show that the
highly polar components in the heavy oil could be
absorbed on montmorillonite particles by changing
salinity due to the condensed water.
Keywords: Steam Injection EOR,
Montmorillonite, Heavy Oil, Emulsion, Rheological