4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering:
DAS Tondano Mapping and Monitoring Information System
for Manado Smart City Mitigation Disaster
Hans Wowor, Stanley Karouw
Monitoring and mapping Tondano watershed is an integral
part of Manado SmartCity concept and implementation
framework to mitigate flooding disaster which happened
frequently in Manado area. This paper describes the
process of analysis and design of web and mobile based
information systems for monitoring and mapping Tondano
watershed in Manado city area. This information systems
provide data collecting, storing and managing concerning
water-level. Using sms-gateway technology, this
information systems sharing this data in real-time
manner to government stakeholders and city leaders for
making decisions about flooding status. The information
systems analysis and design process guided by
Disciplined Agile Delivery methodology, using UML ver
2.0 as modeling tools. We also used GoogleMaps API for
mapping interface while MySQL is used for data
management. This information system runs well through
web browser and android-mobile platform device.
Keywords: Disciplined
Agile Delivery; UML; Smart City; Software Development