4th WCSET-2015 at Japan
Civil Engineering:
Solid Waste Management Activities in Bruhat Bengaluru
Mahanagara Palike
Naveen B. P., Santosh Kumar Kaddi, Ranipet Hafeez Basha
Abstract: Solid
Waste Management has become a major environmental issue.
Bengaluru city had 56.86 lakhs of the population in 2001
(erstwhile Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike). The BBMP
(Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) came into existence
from 2007 with the merger of 7 City Municipal Councils,
1 Town Municipal Council and 110 villages into BMP and
the administrative area increased from 200 sq kms to 800
sq kms. The present population of around 10 million
accounting to a population density of 12500
persons/sq.km. The per capita MSW generated per day in
Bengaluru is about 500 grams and MSW generation in the
city has increased from 2500 tons per day to 4500 tons
per day in a span of 10 years. In the present scenario,
the urban waste is one of the major contributors to the
urban environmental pollution and public Health.
Municipal solid waste is one of the most challenging
tasks being handled by Urban Local Bodies. The rapid
urbanization, industrialization and changing lifestyles
are complicating this issue even more. Bengaluru is
facing this critical situation which has resulted in
significant increase in Municipal Solid Waste generation
in the last few years. This paper addresses the detail
activity of the Solid waste management in BBMP,
Bengaluru. BBMP is collecting MSW directly from
households through the door to door collection
mechanism. Segregation of MSW at the source is being
promoted for effective handling and recycling of waste.
The BBMP has taken up initiatives for streamwise
handling of different categories of MSW like
construction of Ward wise Dry Waste Collection Centers
(to collect all types of dry waste with remuneration),
Decentralized Wet Waste Processing Centers like
Biomethanisation plants, Small Composting units, Green
waste shredders for parks & palletisation plant for
tender coconut shells & sugar cane waste etc. The BBMP
is establishing composting plants to ensure 100%
processing of its wet waste & also working on different
strategies to make effective use of nonrecyclables. For
effective handling, BBMP is in the process of separating
the bulk waste generation stream which contributes to
about 30% of MSW by facilitating the bulk waste
generators to handle waste on their own.
Keywords: Biomethanisation,
Decentralized, Dry waste, Segregation, Wet waste