4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Civil Engineering:

Title:           Effect of Lime on granite dust stabilized mud blocks
Authors:      Deepak Nayak, Purushotham G. Sarvade, Jagadeesha Pai B., Ranga Swamy
Abstract:     Most of the soil in their natural condition lack the strength, dimensional stability and durability required for building construction. In the present investigation an attempt is made to study and improve the quality of locally available red lateritic soil by stabilisation. The granite cutting and polishing dust obtained from granite tile industry and lime are used as stabilisers. The granite dust is dumped as a waste material usually in rivers, lakes and landfills resulting in environmental problems. The use of stabilised blocks involves no pollution and is cost-effective, thus further benefiting the environment by saving deforestation for burning fired clay bricks. The study focuses on correlating the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) and Maximum Dry Density (MDD) by stabilising locally available lateritic soil with granite dust and adding lime up to 15% by dry weight of soil. The investigation revealed an improvement in compaction characteristics. The UCS value after 7 days and 28 days of curing shows increasing trend up to 9% addition of lime and thereafter shows a decreasing trend. Hence 9% lime addition is found to be the optimum value for getting maximum strength and durability. The 28 days average compressive strength of the blocks casted using the same mix gave a better strength than the conventional bricks.

Keywords:   Lateritic soil, Lime, Granite dust, MDD, OMC, UCS, Stabilised Blocks
Pages:         251-257

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