4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Civil Engineering:

Title:           Comparative Study of Permeable Pavements between Shirasu and Sand as Fine Aggregate
Authors:      Dhruva Narayana Katpady, Koji Takewaka, Toshinobu Yamaguchi
Abstract:     A comparative study on permeable pavement using Shirasu or sand as fine aggregate is done with binder composition comprising of cement, recycled gypsum from plasterboards and magnesium oxide. Aim of the experimental investigation is to study the effects of combination of Shirasu, gypsum and magnesium oxide on compressive strength and permeability of mortars prepared by simulating the actual conditions of permeable pavements. Since the materials used in the study are known to leach water soluble hexavalent chromium, which can come in contact with run-off or underground water table posing threat to human health, soil and environment, there is an immediate concern for mitigation. For this purpose, magnesium oxide (MgO) is introduced as one of the binders for making pavement to study the inhibition of chromium leaching. The amount of hexavalent chromium leached from cement, gypsum and MgO are analyzed using simple method. From the experimental results, it is observed that partial replacement of cement by gypsum and MgO provides sufficient compressive strength for pavements along with good permeability. Higher percentages of MgO reduce leaching of hexavalent chromium confirming the inhibition effect. Even though permeable pavements using sand as fine aggregate have higher compressive strength and permeability, Shirasu as fine aggregate satisfied the conditions required for permeable pavements. Combination of Shirasu as fine aggregate with recycled gypsum and MgO as binders not only satisfied the necessary characteristics of permeable pavement but also enabled utilization of unused natural resource and recycled waste along with inhibition of hexavalent chromium elution.

Keywords:   Permeable Pavements, Shirasu, Recycled Plasterboards, Magnesium Oxide, Chromium Leaching,Compressive Strength, Permeability.
Pages:          189-195

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