4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Mechanical Engineering:

Title:           An experimental study on the plate surface flow of plate heat exchanger for various inlet side shape
Authors:      Ilju HWANG, Shuichi TORII
Abstract:     The aim of this study is to find out the flow characteristics inside a plate heat exchanger. Flow characteristics inside a plate heat exchanger are investigated where the plates employed are made up of titanium and are constructed with separate herringbone shape. The fluid flow transport phenomena in the single narrow channel of this plate heat exchanger are also observed. It is widely used in industry due to the advantage of high performance of heat transfer and compactness. Compared to other types, this heat exchanger involves easy maintenance and repair. In this study, we used vertical shape of the block of the inlet area. The circulation characteristics of inner flow path are studied by visualizing method in which particles are inserted inside the plate heat exchanger. This can be used as basic concept to design the plate type heat exchanger of separate herringbone pattern in the future.

Keywords:   Plate Heat Exchanger, Separate Herringbone Shape, Internal Flow, Particle, Visualization
Pages:         138-144

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