4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Applied Sciences and Engineering:

Title:           A Priority Based Nurse Scheduling Algorithm for Continuous Remote Patient Monitoring
Authors:      Paramita Sarkar, Uma Bhattacharya, Rituparna Chaki, Ditipriya Sinha
Abstract:     A priority based nurse scheduling algorithm has been proposed in this paper to support continuous care of remote patients in a pervasive environment. The proposed algorithms are designed to build shift patterns and assign prioritized patients to proper graded nursed by considering the constraints of the schedule in reduced time. For a nurse scheduling problem in a dynamic pervasive environment, the challenge lies in the demand cost and the proper assignment of the nurses according to the health risks of patients and the grades of the nurses. This paper attempts to design an integer programming model which will be used to formulate shift patterns of the nurse scheduling problem. To manage the overwhelming real-time health data, the proposed system attempts to make decision based on priority among groups of related features in a dynamic environment. The proposed nurse scheduling algorithm has been implemented on the real-life data of one week schedule of nurses (EEDF Hospital, Kolkata, India). The Experimental results (Turbo C) generates the feasible shift patterns in minimum computation time.

Keywords:   Pervasive, Priority, Grade, Nurse Scheduling, Dynamicity, Remote Patient, Cost, Objective Function
Pages:         046-053

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