4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Applied Sciences and Engineering:

Title:           Study of refractive errors among medical students of Melaka Manipal Medical College at Manipal in India
Authors:      Surekha R. Kamath, Alwin Foo Jar Jun, Yuganesh Chandrasegar
Abstract:     Refractive error is a defect in the optical system of the eye which prevents light from being brought to a single point focus on the retina, thus reducing the normal vision.The most common types of refractive error are myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. The aim of our study was to determine the different types of refractory errors among medical students of 18 – 21 years of age. We also aimed at finding out the various factors influencing the occurrence of refractory errors among medical students. In this study, the first year and second year medical students (n=360) of Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal Campus were included. A questionnaire with closed and open ended questions was used in the study. Students were asked to respond to the questionnaire after taking their informed consent. The study population comprised of 360 students, out of which 257 (71%) had refractive error. Our study showed that the females (41.3%) had higher prevalence of refractory errors when compared to males (30%) of the same age group. Among the family members of the students with refractive errors, the parents of majority of the students’ had refractory errors. Myopia was most common among all the refractive errors. However, astigmatism was least in this study group. Majority of the students had identified their refractive error during primary (40%) and secondary (29%) school levels. Since students work often with computers, smartphones and several others near work activities, there is higher chance of developing refractive errors. In conclusion, our study indicated that hereditary and environmental factors could have led to the development of refractive errors in these students.

Keywords:   Refractive Error, Medical Students, Prevalence, Myopia, Astigmatism
Pages:         043-045

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