4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Applied Sciences and Engineering:

Title:           Neuro-protective potential of therapeutic choline and DHA supplements in rats with chronic cerebral hypo-perfusion injury
Authors:      Kiranmai S. Rai, Sivakumar G.
Abstract:     Cerebrovascular disease-risk, including stroke, is projected as the second most frequent cause for death/disability by year 2020. Therapeutic interventions to minimize stroke-related hippocampal neural cell deficit is limited. Several studies establish the critical importance of essential dietary nutrients and neuronal membrane phospholipid precursors Choline and Docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] as important in neurogenesis and neural plasticity. There are no studies exploring the therapeutic neuro-protective potential of choline and DHA in minimizing hippocampal neural cell injury, when exposed to chronic cerebral ischemia. In the present study, choline and DHA were supplemented to Wistar rats subsequent to chronic hypo-perfusion ischemic-brain injury. 10 month-old male Wistar rats were subdivided into 4 groups [n=6 /group]-Normal control group [NC], Bilateral common carotid artery occlusion group [BCCAO], Sham-BCCAO group and Choline- DHA supplemented BCCAO group [Post Choline-DHA BCCAO group]. Choline and DHA were orally supplemented to Post-Choline-DHA group of rats for forty days subsequent to permanent surgical BCCAO that induces chronic cerebral hypo-perfusion injury. All groups of rats were tested for cognition efficacy and subsequently sacrificed to study hippocampal neural cell survival by cresyl staining. Hippocampal sections from ischemic brain-injured rats show neural cell deficits in CA1 and CA3 regions compared to the same in agematched sham-BCCAO and NC rats. Combined supplementation of Choline-DHA subsequent to ischemicstroke in rats significantly attenuated neural deficits in these regions as compared to the same in age-matched non-supplemented BCCAO rats. Combined choline and DHA supplements given as an adjuvant, subsequent to stroke / ischemic brain injury, protects and minimizes hippocampal neural cell damage.

Keywords:  Choline, Docosahexaenoic Acid, Chronic Cerebral Hypo-perfusion Injury, Neuroprotection.
Pages:         037-042

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