4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Special Session (Nuclear Fusion):

Title:          Development of a Novel Passive Imaging System for Measurement of Plasma Thermal Emission
Authors:      Kishore Mishra, H. Idei, Y. Hayashi, T. Onchi, H. Zushi, K. Hanada
Abstract:     Plasma Heating and current drive by Electron Bernstein Waves (EBW) in tokamaks is one of the most active topic of research at present. To excite EBWs in plasma efficiently, microwave power needs to be launched with an optimal angle to plasma. This required angle can be determined by finding the viewing angle that maximizes the thermal emission intensity from the plasma. The usual measurement techniques employ an external scanning mirror to steer the viewing angle and sophisticated optical components to collect the emission from the plasma. In this work we present a novel method of emission measurement without the use of any moving mirrors, optical lens, or active component. In the absence of any mechanically active components, this diagnostic may become very attractive for future fusion based reactors, where restriction on available physical space in a hostile neutron environment can be stringent. In this diagnostic, plasma thermal emission signal from the plasma are collected through passive waveguide elements and their intensity and phase relationships are precisely measured by heterodyne detection technique. Peak emission intensity location are determined by the phase scanning for the optimum phase matching condition. As a proof of principle experiment, measurements with a noise source simulating the plasma thermal emission is done and position of the source is reconstructed accurately. In this paper we present the development of such diagnostic, demonstration of measurement capabilities and some first observations from the plasma in QUEST spherical tokamak.

Keywords:   Nuclear Fusion, High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Radiometer, Plasma Thermal Emission Imaging, Phase Array Waveguide
Pages:         014-014

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