4th WCSET-2015 at Japan

Special Session (Nuclear Fusion):

Title:           Options in the design of helical fusion reactor FFHR-D1 and C1
Authors:      J. MIYAZAWA, T. Goto, N. Yanagi, T. Tanaka, H. Tamura, S. Masuzaki, J. Yagi, R. Sakamoto, A. Sagara
Abstract:     The design activity of a helical fusion reactor FFHR has been conducted in NIFS (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan), based on the characteristics of high-performance plasmas achieved in LHD (Large Helical Device), which is the world largest superconducting plasma confinement device using the helical magnetic fields called heliotron. The FFHR has several options named d1A (the basic design similar to LHD), d1B (w/ higher magnetic field to mitigate the requirement for plasma), d1C (w/ an innovative magnetic configuration), and c1 (w/ smaller size). Plasma operation scenarios including the plasma physics assessment depending on the device parameter are being investigated intensively. In general, the central part of a fusion device is composed of the vacuum vessel including the plasma facing components called the first wall and the divertor, the superconducting (SC) magnet coils, the tritium-breeding blanket, and the neutron-shielding blanket. Each of these components also has several options. As for the SC coils, ReBCO (high-temperature SC material working at ~20 K) cooled by gas helium is considered as the first option. A tritium-breeding blanket system using a molten salt of FLiNaBe (melting point is ~600 K) is also the first option in FFHR. As for the divertor, adding to the conventional option of tungsten mono-block divertor with copper heat sink as in ITER, a new option of liquid metal X-point divertor (LMXD) has been proposed recently. This LMXD has a possibility to drastically ease the routine maintenance when coupled with the novel divertor design that is also a new concept.

Keywords:   Helical Fusion Reactor, FFHR, LHD, Heliotron, Superconducting Magnet Coils, Blanket, Divertor
Pages:         012-012

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