3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal

Applied Sciences Session:

Title:            Tissue Culture studies of Heliotropium indicum an important medicinal herb for callus induction and micropropagation
Authors:       Meenakshi Priyadarshni, Ritika Kumari, Kumari Anjali, Arunima, Surendra Prasad, L. N. Shukla
Abstract:      Tissue culture studies of Heliotropium indicum (Boraginaceae) an important medicinal herb has been carried for induction of callus and multiple shoots from leaf, internodes and nodal explants. Internodal segments and leaves were inoculated in Murashige and Skoog (MS) (1962) medium, supplemented with 1.0 mg/l - 3.0 mg/l concentrations of 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid(2,4-D), 3-Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) and α- Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) separately, along with two different concentrations of BAP and Kinetin. Higher percentage of response for callusing in internodal explant was obtained in MS+2.0 mg/l BAP + 3.0mg/l NAA which was 78%. This was followed by similar concentration of KN+IBA which was 66%.However, the higher percentage of response for callusing was obtained in MS+2.0 mg/l BAP + 2.0 mg/l IBA which was 67% followed by similar concentration of BAP+NAA. Kinetin at this concentration revealed lower percentage of response. It was observed that similar concentration of 2, 4-D, either with BAP or KIN revealed poor response for callusing in both the leaf and internodal explants. For multiple shoot induction the apical shoot and nodal explants were inoculated in MS+BAP or KN alone or with various concentrations of NAA, IAA or GA3. MS medium fortified with BAP alone could promote shoot bud induction in both the explants and it was 87% at 1.0 mg/l BAP, where the number of shoots was 5.4. The percent response was 92 at 1.0 mg/l concentration of Kinetin .When GA3 0.5mg/l was added, the percent response was 92 and number of shoots 12.8. For apical shoot the percent response was 94, number of shoots 14.8 at the same concentrations. Well grown plantlets were used for rooting, in ½ MS medium + various concentrations of IAA, NAA and IBA. Here, 0.2 mg/l IBA was found more suitable where mean number of roots as 14.6 per plantlet. Survival rate in the field condition was 76%.

Keywords:   Callogenesis, Heliotropium indicum, multiple shoots, Boraginaceae, nodal and apical explants, plantlets
Pages:          581-588

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