3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal

Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy Session:

Title:             Waste heat recovery system for a heavy duty six cylinder engine
Authors:       Chandrashekhar Bhat, Sharma S S, Jagannatha K, Achutha Kini, Sunil Kumar Pandey, Saravana Venkatesh, Praveen Kumar K.
Abstract:     Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is seen as an economical and environmental friendly technique to waste heat recovery (WHR) from the exhaust gases. A mathematical model of the ORC system is developed in MATLAB Simulink and is then coupled to the engine model in AVL boost which simulates the working of theengine and the ORC and leads to the computation of BSFC. Using the Simulation results, the influence of working fluid flow rates, the engine speed and the injection timing are studied. The simulation results show an improvement in brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) to an extent of 4.5% (equivalent to 11 kW ORC power) when the working fluid flow rate is 0.65 kg/sec and at a lower working range of 1900 to 2200 engine speeds in RPM. When the working fluid flow rate is 0.4 kg/sec a 3% improvement in BSFC is observed at a greater working speed. For the ORC model to work for a higher range of engine speeds from 1300 to 2200 RPM, the working fluid flow rate of 0.4 kg/sec is taken to be the optimised value thereby improving the BSFC by 3%.

Keywords:   Organic, Cycle, Design, Heat, Simulation.
Pages:         371-377

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