3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal

Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy Session:

Title:          Optimization of squeeze cast process parameters on hardness of LM20 alloy using Taguchi method
Authors:      The near-net shape manufacturing ability of the squeeze casting process have greater potential to yield higher hardness values provided the squeeze cast technical parameters are accurately controlled. In squeeze casting, squeeze pressure, pouring and die temperature are considered as the most important process parameters that critically influence on the hardness values. So in the present work, the cost-effective taguchi method has been utilized to perform experiments, study and analyze the effects and to estimate the percent contributions of each individual process parameters on the measured hardness values. Three levels for each process parameters are considered and L9 orthogonal array has been selected to perform the experiments. The suggested optimal process parameter levels using taguchi analysis are capable of giving higher hardness experimental values. Hence taguchi parametric design is an effective method in deciding the optimal process parameter levels by reducing manufacturing cost with lesser number of experiments.

Keywords:   Hardness, LM20 Alloy, Squeeze Cast Process Parameters and Taguchi Method
Pages:         340-343

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