3th WCSET-2014 at Nepal

Civil Engineering / Environmental / Architecture / Planning Session:

Title:            Study of Different Techniques in Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures
Authors:       Suchitro Basu, Swagato Das, Purnachandra Saha
Abstract:     Seismic resistant structures are designed in such a way that they might face partial damage, but will not totally collapse during earthquakes. This design of structures depends on certain parameters like ductility, deformation capacity, strength and amount of deflection. More the ductility, strength and deformation capacity of a structure better will be its seismic resistance, whereas, lesser the amount of deflection, lesser will be the vulnerability of the structure towards earthquakes. This paper deals with the review of various techniques applied in the design of earthquake resistant structural frames without using any external seismic control device. These techniques include the use of smooth rebars and corrosion resistant hybridized columns in construction of Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures, installation of exterior shear walls to the structural frames, construction of brace framed steel structures and construction of composite structures. Smooth rebars when used for construction of RC structures provides good yield strength to the structure. Similarly when corrosion resistant hybridized columns are used in construction, it provides a high ductility and deformation capacity to the RC structures. Installation of exterior shear walls to both RC and steel structures increases their strength by 10%. For steel structures, construction of brace framed structures provides 5% more strength, and they are also seen to deflect less during earthquakes. Thus we see that in both RC and steel structures, innovative design techniques are implemented to make them seismic resistant.

Keywords:    Braced frame, composite structures, concentric braces, ductility, rebar, shear wall
Pages:          281-287

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