French Higher Education Institution Tour at South India

French Higher Education Institution Tour at South India

BRCORP organized the South Indian Tour of the French Institutes for the fall intake at The Green Park Hotel, Hyderabad on 26th May 2017 followed by Hotel DV Manor, Vijayawada on 28th May 2017, Hotel Budhil Park, Vishakapatnam on 30th May 2017, Hotel Keys International, Tirupati on 01st June 2017, E Hotel, Express Avenue, Chennai on 02nd June 2017, and CampusFrance, Cochin on 04th June 2017 respectively.

The event received huge response by students aspiring to study master programme in science, engineering and management courses offered by leading institutions such as The American Business School in Paris, ICD International Business School in Paris, The École privée des sciences informatiques (EPSI), IGS RH l’école des Ressources Humaines, The Centre d’Études Franco-Américain de Management (CEFAM), Jeunes Agriculteurs Ile De France (JA), European School of Advanced Management (ESAM), Ecole de Tourisme (IEFT), École d'Ingénieur Généraliste en Informatique (EFREI), and École supérieure d'ingénieurs en génie électrique (ESIGELEC) along with France International Graduate Schools (FIGS) where spot admissions to eligible students with original certificates were offered.

The centre managers of CampusFrance (The French national agency for the promotion of higher education, International Students Services and International Mobility) briefed the participants on the admission and VISA process and also conducted a workshop on CV and SOP writing.

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