2nd ICREEE 2017

The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICREE) is going to be organized jointly by BRCORP and Godavari Academy of Science and Technology at Khajuraho (UNESCO World Heritage Site) during 09-11 December 2017.

Authors interested to participate in this conference may have to first submit their Abstract containing Paper Title, Author / Co-author names and affiliation with valid email id, summary of their paper not exceeding 250 words and keywords in MS-Word File through email to [email protected]

Download Template for Abstract Submission
Download Template for Full Paper Submission

Selected abstracts shall receive acceptance letter from the conference secretariat indicating the details of full paper submission and registration. Authors may have to download the paper template from the conference website and prepare their full length paper in the prescribed format and submit before the last date of submission.

The full length papers will be reviewed by the Technical Chairs / Co-Chairs and considered for publication in the conference proceedings with ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-3-8 which will be distributed to the participants during the conference. Some of the good quality papers will be forwarded to International Journals published by BRCORP and Cafet-Innova Technical Society. The papers shall undergo separate review process by the editorial committee of the International Journal and published accordingly after the conference.

Last date for submission of Abstract: 20th October 2017
Intimation of Abstract Acceptance: 30th October 2017
Last date for submission of Full Paper: 25th November 2017
Conference Dates: 09-11 December 2017


  India & SAAR Other Countries
Working Professionals (Presenter) 4,000 INR 200 USD
Full Time Students (Presenter) 2,000 INR 100 USD
Working Professionals (Non-Presenter) 2,000 INR 100 USD
Full Time Students (Non-Presenter) 1,000 INR 50 USD

Registration fee includes conference participation, kit / material, certificate, high tea and lunch, publication of papers in International Journal of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278.

Participants may have to manage their own accommodation and local travel, pay seperate fee if interested to join the field trip to Khajuraho on 11th December 2017.

Ponorogo City can be accessed from two International Airports:
1. Adisumarmo Airport (code: SOC)
2. Juanda Airport (code: SUB)

Adisumarmo Airport is located in Solo City of Central Java, Indonesia and it will take 3 hours by road to reach the University. Participants can avail group transportation by car on payment basis if the their travel plan is informed to conference secretariat in advance.

Juanda Airport is located in Surabaya City of East Java, Indonesia and it will take 5 hours by road to reach the University. Participants can take train from Surabaya City to Madiun City which will take 2.5 hours. The conference secretariat can provide group transportation by car on payment basis from Madiun Train Station to Ponorogo City on payment basis.

Note: Ponorogo City can also be accessed by Bus from both the airports, however the route may not be easy for foreigners.

VISA Information:
Please visit: http://www.imigrasi.go.id/index.php/en/public-services/visit-visa



The Conference Secretariat - 6th WCSET 2017
Dr. Rizal Arifin
Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)
Head of Institute for Research and Public Service
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Phone: +62-352-481124 (Ask the receptionist to connect to the LPPM office)
Mobile/Whatsapp (WA): +62-857-0825-3406
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/rarifinit/home-1

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