2nd ICREEE 2015            INDIA        29 - 31 December 2015

Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India
About 2nd ICREEE 2015

The International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering caters the requirements of multidiciplinary studies in renewable energy sources like wind power, biomass, solar energy, etc. along with engineering methods, contaminants on watersheds, environmental biology, fluid mechanics, governmental policies, hazardous waste management, pollution, surface water & groundwater, wastewater collection and treatment, etc.

The first ICREEE 2014 was organized at Quality Hotel D V Manor, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India with a theme "Vijayawada City - Green Capital of India" during 29-31 December 2014. It was inaugurated by Prof. Abdul Razak Mohamed, Dean of SPA-Vijayawada (MHRD Institute, Govt. of India) in presence of Prof. Shashi Kumar Gupta, Head of Civil Engineering Department, Koneru Lakshmaiah University, Dr. Ashwin Ambrose Melvin, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Mr. M. A. Siraj, Energy and Environment Journalist from British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

The second ICREEE 2015 is going to be organized during 29-31 December 2015 by Department of Civil Engineering, Noorul Islam University, Tamil Nadu

Paper Submission Details

Authors interested to participate in this conference may have to first submit their Abstract containing Paper Title, Author / Co-author names and affiliation with valid email id, summary of their paper not exceeding 250 words and keywords in MS-Word File through email to [email protected]

Download Template for Abstract Submission
Download Template for Full Paper Submission

Selected abstracts shall receive acceptance letter from the conference secretariat indicating the details of full paper submission and registration. Authors may have to download the paper template from the conference website and prepare their full length paper in the prescribed format and submit before the last date of submission.

The full length papers will be reviewed by the Technical Chairs / Co-Chairs and considered for publication in the conference proceedings with ISBN which will be distributed to the participants during the conference. Some of the good quality papers will be forwarded to International Journals published by BRCORP and Cafet-Innova Technical Society. The papers shall undergo separate review process by the editorial committee of the International Journal and published accordingly after the conference.

Important Dates

Last date for submission of Abstract: 25 September 2015
Intimation of Abstract Acceptance: 30 September 2015
Last date for submission of Full Paper: 10 December 2015
Conference Dates: 29-31 December 2015

Registration Details
Working Professionals 5, 000 INR 400 USD
Full Time Students 3,000 INR 200 USD
Kumara Koil could be reached by road from Nagercoil (15 kilometers) and Thuckalay (3 Kilometers), Trivandrum (about forty five kilometers)
Will be updated soon
Contact Us
The Conference Secretariat - 2nd ICREEE 2015
Department of Civil Engineering
Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay,
Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.basharesearch.com/icreee2015.htm
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