Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering
ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2015:
Title: Sustainable
Reconstruction: Towards Guidelines of Post-disaster
Vulnerability Reduction for Permanent Informal Hous
Ruhizal Roosli, Julaihi Wahid, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar,
Faizal Baharum
Abstract: This paper
reports on the progress of a study on the reconstruction
project after the ‘Yellow Flood’ disaster in Kelantan,
Malaysia. Malaysia still do not have guidelines to build
housing after a disaster especially in disaster-prone
areas. At the international level, many guidelines have
been prepared that is found suitable for post-disaster
housing. Which guidelines can be adapted that best
describes the situation in Malaysia? It was reported
that the houses should be built on stilts, which can
withstand certain level of impact during
flooding.Unfortunately, until today no specific
guideline available to assist homeowners to rebuild
their homes after disaster. In addition, there is also
no clear operational procedure to monitor the progress
of this construction work. This research is an effort to
promoting resilient housing; safety and security; and
secure tenure in a prone area.At the end of this study,
key lessons will be emerged from the review process and
data analysis.These input will then have influenced to
the content that will be developed and presented as
guidelines.An overall objective is to support
humanitarian responses to disaster and conflicts for
resilience house construction to flood prone
area.Interviews with the field based staff were from
recent post-disaster housing workforce (disaster
management mechanism in Malaysia especially in
Kelantan). The respondents were selected based on their
experiences in disaster response particularly related to
housing provision.These key lessons are perhaps the best
practical (operational and technical) guidelines
comparing to other International cases to be adapted to
the national situations.
Keywords: Disaster, Housing,
Reconstruction, Malaysia