Int. J. Architecture, Planning & Building Engineering
ISSN 2455-5045, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Title: Comparative
Study of Beach Tourist Areas: Existing assessment in
Kumamoto Prefecture and North Sulawesi Province
Authors: Loudy Berce Moody Kalalo, Kazuhisa Iki, Rinken Homma
Pressures on Coastal and marine resources in the world
have increased in recent years. Erosion, pollution and
spherical use of the area became common issues. Kumamoto
prefecture in Japan, have so many beautiful beaches as
tourist destination areas as well as North Sulawesi
Province in Indonesia. But, there are some significant
differences among them. The primary goal of this
research is to support Indonesian coastal tourism
towards sustainable tourism development. Furthermore,
the technique we applied in assessment of the coastal
areas was by conducting field surveys to got existing
condition of sites. Then, after compounding some
theories by literary review, we made identification of
problem on each beach. In this part, some indicators of
sustainable development for tourist destination were
applied as basic tools. The assessment was made not only
for indicating the differences but also to get
advantages to be use as model. So, varies of superiority
on one beach had opportunity to be implemented in
others. From this research, we found that by adjusting
appropriate concepts to a coastal tourist destination,
in some circumstances, we could establish a successful
tourism area from an ordinary beach.
Keywords: Sustainable
Development, Tourism, Coastal Areas, Comparison,
Pages: 13-16