Int. J. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278
VOLUME 05 NO. 02 APRIL 2017:
Title: Trending Technologies in Power Electronics for Wind
Turbine System
Gopi Medaka, Syed Abdur Rauf Magrabi.
Abstract: In this research work we
found an application on trending technologies of Power
Electronics for the generation of high power using wind
turbine system. During the last two decades Power
Electronics plays a vital role in many industrial
applications for the generation of power from 1-10
kilowatt power. Now-a-days there are new upcoming
technologies in power electronics which gives high
efficiency, better reliability and good processing speed
with less time consumption. In recent days there is
widespread use of wind turbines in the transmission and
distribution system. As the grid connection and power
level of the wind turbines are increasing, there is a
requirement to make advances in the generators, power
electronics systems and control solutions for the
improvement of characteristics of the power plant and
make it more suitable to be integrated into power grid.
The switching requirement in this application contains
less power consumption which is nothing but Insulated
Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) as it was being replaced
by Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)for better
controlling operations. As the characteristics of the
plant are being improved then we need to face the
challenges in the technologies. Here is a paper which
gives an overview and discusses the developing trends of
the technology in wind power systems.
Keywords: DFIG, IGBT, SCR, Generator
and Motors.