Int. J. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2348-0157, ISI Impact Factor: 0.278
VOLUME 05 NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:
Title: Transient Stability Improvement of Power System
Integrated with Wind Generation
Authors: K.
Srinivasa Rao, G. Kamalaker Reddy, M. Anil, G. S. S.
Abstract: Global warming is the most
concern to the environmental issues and the limited
availability of conventional fossil fuels lead to rapid
research and development for more sustainable and
alternative electrical sources in recent years. Wind
energy, as one of the most prominent renewable energy
sources, is gaining increasing significance throughout
the world. Distributed generation (DG) based on
renewable energy has become a development trend for
electric power industry in 21stcentury. But DG is
affected by natural conditions being not able to output
power continuously and steadily, so when large scale
wind turbine generators incorporated into the grid will
bring impact on electric power system stability.In order
to ensure stable operation of electric power system, a
super capacitor energy storage system (SCESS) superior
to other energy storage technologies and doubly fed
induction wind generator (DFIG) are presented in this
paper, SCESS is connected to the grid at the point of
common coupling (PCC). Matlab/Simulink software is used
for modelling and simulation analysis, this paper is
focusing on transient stability problem, the simulation
results indicates that SCESS can improve transient
stability of multi-machine wind turbine generators
system connected to the grid, and using doubly fed
induction generators also can improve electric power
system stability.
Keywords: Distributed Generation (DG);
Super Capacitor Energy Storage System (SCESS); Transient