Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2015:
Title: Sustainable Management Scheme for Household and Academic
Institutional Solid Waste generation: A Case Study in
Khulna Metropolitan City
Authors: A. S. M.
Riyad, Zohur-uz-Zaman, Sk. Farid Hossain
Abstract: Khulna City like other
fast urbanizing towns and cities in Bangladesh are faced
with a multitude of problems ranging from poor state of
roads, insufficient water and electrical power supply,
inadequate solid waste management etc. Among this
multitude of problems solid waste management appears to
be the most prominent in recent years. This study has
been undertaken to identify the household solid waste
generation in Khulna City in order to find out better
management options. Based on the experimental results it
was found that the waste generation varies from 0.094 to
0.156 kg/capita/day. The generation rate also increases
with the income level due to more consumption. Of all
environmental problems that have come into focus in
Khulna, academic institutional solid waste management
has been the slowest to develop either direction or
regulatory mechanisms. The study was conducted at
different educational institution in Khulna, Bangladesh
to determine the generation rates and identify the
current situation of academic institutional solid waste
management (ISWM) which finally motivated to take a
sustainable decision of the management of the Academic
institutional solid waste. It has been found that the
organic food waste dominates in the University, such as
the College, the Technical College and secondary and
primary schools and the paper and cardboard category is
prominent in the academic institutions. However, proper
adjustments between the higher and lower chain in the
existing management process is needed for better
achievements from solid waste generation.
Keywords: Solid waste management,
Household waste generation, Academic institution,
Income, Sustainable decision, urban area, Environmental
problem, Khulna
Pages: 148-154