Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2015:

Title:            Modeling and Analysis of Wake Control System for Maximizing Wind Farm Energy
Majdi M. Alomari, Mohammad S. Widyan, Nafesah I. Alshdaifat, Abdel-Wahab Dirawieh, Hamza Alabdali, Afnan Saleh, Wessam Zaher, Maria Al-Hwamdeh, Majd Louy
  This paper presents a cooperative control to optimize the total wind-farm power efficiency by obtaining the power production of each single wind turbine. The aim of this study is to maximize the total power production. The production efficiency of a single and multi-wind turbines using optimal effective method is investigated. The production of power and the loading for a wind turbine can be obtained by finding out the pitch angles, nacelle system control and generator factors. The optimization issue is related to the point of maximizing the sum of the production of power for a wind farm. The optimal combination of the induction factors and yaw offset angles is obtained by applying a steepest descent algorithm. The contribution of this study is to control and apply optimal values of wind turbines for maximizing wind farm power production using wake control system. The results show that the cooperative control system approach can increase the power production in wind farm.

Wake Control, Yaw Offset, Multi-Wind Turbines, Wind Farm Control
Pages:         115-119

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