Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Title: Experimental analysis of evacuated tube solar water
heating system in NEH region of India
Mahendra S. Seveda
Abstract: This paper presents an
experimental analysis of an evacuated tube solar water
heating system in NEH Region of India. A solar water
heating system containing ten evacuated tubes is used
for heating purpose. The collector surface area is about
1.45 m2. The length and outer diameters of the outer
glass tube and absorber tube are 1820, 55 and 45 mm,
respectively. The experimental setup contains 100 liters
of storage water tank. Water is working as heat
collecting medium which collects the solar heat falling
on the tubes. The experiments were carried out during
the period of November to January, i.e. under
winter-like conditions, at days where the sky was almost
clear with some clouds scattered here and there. The
maximum outlet water temperature was recorded about 60oC
higher than inlet water temperature.
Keywords: Evacuated tube, Solar
insolation, Solar collector, Solar water heater
Pages: 36-39