Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:

Title:          Environmental Guidelines for Planning and Siting of an Aerotropolis, Durgapur, West Bengal
Debanjana Chatterjee
  In today’s world, aviation, one of the major forces in the global context, is emerging with the new concept of 21st century as “Aerotropolis”, connecting the world with driving business locations. An Aerotropolis is an economic hub in which the layout, infrastructure, and economy is centredaround an airport. This unique urban plan requires a careful development approach but there is no existing legislation in India particularly for planning and siting of an Aerotropolis which covers adequate provision and stringent standards to stop any irreversible damage to the surrounding environment. Bengal Aerotropolis Project Ltd. envisions an Aerotropolis, a green field development, in Andal at Durgapur, West Bengal, which is first of its kind in India. In this paper attempts has been made to prepare environmental guidelines for doing sensitivity analysis and land use compatibility analysis for Durgapur Aerotropolis. A combined sensitivity analysis has enabled to identify the issues and sensitive areas surrounding the project site. Recommendations have been made in the form of policy guidelines and suggestions in protecting environment to make a successful Aerotropolis.

Aerotropolis; Sensitivity Analysis; Land Use Compatibility; Policy Guidelines; Environmental Guidelines
Pages:         1-5

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