Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Performance evaluation of central effluent treatment
plant in Depz, Savar, Bangladesh
Authors: Ahmud Fahim,
Kh. Mahbub Hassan
Abstract: Wastewater
management is a concept involving several operations,
which depend on the scale and nature of industry or
institution and end use of wastewater. Central effluent
treatment plant (CETP) is an approach of treating
effluents by means of a collective effort mainly for a
cluster of small scale industrial units.A biometric CETP
was launched in Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) and
started operation for wastewater treatment in February
2012. It was the first of its kind in Bangladesh to
utilize a Bio-Electric treatment profile on a co-mingled
industrial wastewater stream with an average wastewater
inflow of 1750 m3/hour.The treatment system offers
tremendous advantages. Operating costs were low compared
to chemically enhanced treatment and provided
substantial difference (as much as 85% less) in sludge
generation. It also had positive removal impacts on
other contaminants that might appear as a part of total
(co-mingled) wastewaters entering CETP from DEPZ
factories. In this case, the use of chemicals was
totally avoided and hence not required any
neutralization as well as minimization of secondary
pollutions by added chemicals. The present study was
undertaken to evaluate the performance of the biometric
CETP especially with regards to effluent water
quality.Wastewater samples were collected from Primary
and Secondary stages of treatment units and the major
water quality parameters such as pH, Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),Total
Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
were analyzed following the standard methods for the
examination of water and wastewater. The Primary-stage
treatment operation was done with Activated Sludge
Process while the Secondary-stage involved Electro
Contaminant Removal. Finally, the effluents from the
biometric CETP were compared with the Bangladesh
Standards for wastewater quality discharging into
various receiving bodies. The Environment Conservation
Rules (ECR, 1997) of the country has set a range of
water quality for different receiving bodies such
as Inland Surface Water, Public Sewer, and Irrigated
Land. In biometric CETP, the removal efficiency of BOD
was found to be 97.40% while the Dissolved silica,
Clays, Carbon black and Suspended materials in water
were removed generally around 98%. The Treatment Plant
reduced Bacteria, E-coli and Viruses almost completely.
Emulsified oily substances as well as heavy metals in
water such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel,
and zinc were removed in the range of 95 to 99%. Both
the primary and secondary stages of treatment operations
were found to have significant contribution in the
overall treatment performance of the biometric CETP
upholding the final effluent quality within the
permissible limits of ECR, 1997.
Keywords: Bio-Electric treatment, Central
Effluent Treatment Plant, Co-mingled Industrial
Wastewater,Performance Evaluation