Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Biodiesel production from rubber seed oil using
supercritical methanol
Authors: Ha Tram Huy,
Tran Tan Viet, Le Thi Kim Phung
Abstract: In this work, the
objective was biodiesel production from rubber seed oil
using SCM in a batch reactor. A non-edible rubber seed
oil with high viscosity than diesel contains high FFA
and water contents,was used as the feedstock in this
study. SCM treatment method is appropriate for this
feedstock than the conventional catalyst method. Effects
of reaction temperature (240 – 320oC), reaction pressure
(78 – 96 bar),reaction time (2 – 50 min), and the
solvent to feed ratio (10:1 – 50:1) on methyl esters in
the transesterification reaction were examined. As a
result, the highest content of methyl esters was 92.7%
in 20 min reaction, the reaction temperature of 280oC,
the molar ratio methanol to oil of 42:1. In addition,
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used as an
analytical method to determine methyl esters content of
biodiesel in the reaction mixture to monitor the
transesterification reaction with a high accuracy. This
study demonstrates that SCM treatment method is a
feasible process in producing biodiesel from rubber seed
oil and the by-product of this reaction (glycerol) is
high purity and valuable.
Keywords: Supercritical, Biodiesel,
Rubber Seed Oil, Methanol