Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Algae - An alternative source of biofuel
Authors: Ravindra Singh,
Pushpendra Singh, Arpana Mishra
Abstract: Biofuel are any solid,
liquid or gaseous fuels that are derived from living
plants or indirectly from agricultural, municipal,
commercial or domestic wastes. First generation biofuel
are derived from sugars, starch,vegetable oils or animal
fats. Second generation biofuels are obtained from ligno
cellulosic biomass. Third generation biofuels are
produced from algae.Algae have recently gained attention
as a potential feed stock for biofuels. Sea weeds are
macro algae grown only in the sea and are a good source
of phycocolloids.Phycocolloids are polysaccharides which
are considered as a good source of liquid fuel
generation through fermentation. In principle they offer
high yields and large co2 absorption by photosynthesis
with up to 90% lower water needs than terrestrial crops,
possible use of saline or waste water and no need for
arable land. They are considered primarily for biodiesel
and jet fuel production since fewer alternatives exists
to replace these fuels. Biodiesel obtained from algal
lipid is non toxic and highly biodegradable. Micro algae
produce 15-300 times more oil than traditional crops on
an area basis. According to an estimate, algal farming
in less than 2-3% of indias land would make the country
self sufficient in liquid fuel needs in the decades to
Keywords: Algae, Biofuel, Phycocolloids,
Fermentation, Photosynthesis