Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
Title: Study on environmental management plan (EMP) of proposed
leather industry in Lebukhali, Patuakhali
Authors: Md. Hamidul Islam,
Chhanda Rani, and Rownak Jahan
Abstract: This study represents the
assessment and calculation of environmental impacts with
an environmental management plan (emp). It was conducted
from 11th july to 30th october. Industrialization has
been rapid in bangladesh during the last decade,
particularly in the sectors of leather, pharmaceuticals
and industrial chemicals. It is necessary to establish
industry for increasing industrial development in
barisal. The aims of the study are to identify of
environmental impacts, to suggest some mitigation
measures and an emp. The project involves the
establishment and development of a leather industry in
lebukhali near the town of patuakhali in southern part
of bangladesh. Lebukhali is the transition zone between
barisal and patuakhali. The geographical coordinates of
this area is 22° 27' 0" north, 90° 20' 0" east. An
environmental impact assessment (eia) is designed to
enable the environmental effects of a project with
economic costs and benefits. The major environmental
impact would be air pollution, water pollution and waste
siltation. As the human interest is positive, some
measures can be recommended to establish the industry.
To ensure proper environmental management plan enhance
tree plantation programs, dredging of river, waste
management and use environmental friendly technology. It
is expected that the industry will increase employment
opportunity and livelihood security.
Keywords: Environmental Management Plan (EMP),
Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, Leather
Industry, Industrialization.
Pages: 279-287