Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:

Title:          Graphene based reverse osmosis desalination technique: cost and energy perspective
       Debashis Sarker, Khondoker Mahbub Hassan, Moythely Roy, Nazia Zerin
    Growing concern of our limited water resources has led to renewed interest into membrane distillation of reverse osmosis (RO) as an alternative method of water purification and desalination. In contrast to other desalination techniques such as MSF and reverse med, RO with grapheme membrane offers a potentially low energy and high rejection route to the desalination of highly dirty or salty waters. Feed water pressure consumption is also very low [28 bar] comparing with existing plants [56.1 bar]. Though the initial plant cost is high [about $40 million], it is 15-20% cheaper to run the traditional plants. Fresh water cost using grapheme based ro desalination plant is generally $4 to $6 per 1,000 gallons of water. Electricity cost is also cheaper as costing is a very crucial aspect for the developing countries like Bangladesh; this technology is the best way to salt rejection from water for its cost effectively and high energy efficiency. Graphene has attracted considerable interest over recent years due to its intrinsic mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Incorporation of small quantity of graphene fillers into polymer can create novel nano-composites with improved structural and functional properties. This review introduce about the new grapheme based ro system in water desalination, analytical assessment of this technique with the existing one, its low price and low energy use which is very much helpful to the developing countries people.

  Desalination, RO System, Graphene, Cost Efficiency, Energy Efficiency
:        241-246

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