Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Reverse Absorber Solar Air Heater with Evacuated Tubes
Authors: A. Clara
Dhanemozhi, V. Rajeswarin
Abstract: ASolar energy is the
natural resource of energy. Solar energy is rapidly
advancing as an important means of renewable energy
resource. The Sun is the source of all energy. The
energy obtained from the sun is the most promising
renewable energy sources since it is clean, safe and
free. Solar power is the technology of obtaining usable
energy from the light of the sun. Applications of solar
energy are commercially available and are used by
millions of people in various parts of the world. One of
the promising areas of the applications of solar energy
is solar air heater. Solar air heaters are used for
drying and space heating. Cultivation is one of the
important occupations for the livelihood of the people
in villages. Peas, Cardamom,Lemabeans, Groundnut and
Coffee are mainly cultivated in Theni District in
Tamilnadu, India. Drying the products in a hygienic
manner is one of the important processes in agriculture.
We have decided to design a solar air heater with
evacuated tubes and study its thermal efficiency.This
type of air heaters can be used to dry the agricultural
products which require hot air at low temperature ranges
from 400C – 1000C. This type of air heater can be
utilized for various applications such as dehydration
and drying. This would be beneficial not only in
conserving the fossil fuels, but also in protecting the
environment by the emissions of harmful pollutants and
green house gases.
Keywords: Solar energy, dehydration,
thermal efficiency