Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Environmental impact assessment on kalishuri to
surjomoni union road construction project at Bauphal,
Authors: Md. Hamidul Islam,
Md. Shafiqul Islam, Tania Yeasmin
Abstract: Environmental impact assessment
(EIA) is a decision making process to analyze
environmental impacts.this paper is related to eia of
proposed six kilometer road from kalishuri to surjomoni
union at bauphal,patuakhali that conducting by local
government and engineering department (lged). The
proposed area is so far behind to good communication
facilities within the different parts of this region due
to absence of road connecting to other area. The
significance of the proposed road involves directly to
the people of that region in developing their social,
economic and environmental condition.the aims of the
study are to find out the potential environmental
impacts, mitigation measures and to compute the
environmental impact value (eiv) of the project.the key
findings of this study include environmental positive
and negative impacts mainly decreasing plant
biodiversity, hydrology and agricultural lands. The
study reveals that the eiv is -1 (negative one) in
regarding to three environmental factors named
ecological, physico-chemical and human interests. The
mitigating options of various impacts on the project are
environmental friendly technology, conservation of road
side plantation, agricultural lands etc.the eia helps to
complete an environment friendly project by providing
sound management on environmental impacts and means of
preventing or reducing those impacts.
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA), Envi