Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Engineering behaviour of solid waste improved by sand
Authors: Sharid
Shahnewaz, Md. Ariful Hossain
Abstract: A lot of wastes are
produced everyday through human activities, in which
solid waste is most. These wastes are dumped near the
suburb of a city. After 20 to 30 years later these
wastes or landfill became a part of soil. Due to the
filling of low land with solid wastes, at the end of
filling, a considerable area of land will be available
that can be used for urban development. For the
increasing population, the human traffic diverted from
main city to its’ suburb portion. The newly developed
land with decomposed wastes can used for construction of
multistory buildings for living, shopping or for
business purpose etc. However, it is very important to
know the main engineering properties of that soil before
going to urban development in that area. In this work it
is figure out the main engineering properties of solid
waste and also tried to improve the basic soil
properties with mixing of sand of various proportions as
an admixture.
Keywords: Solid Waste, Landfill,
Admixture, Consistency, Shear Strength, Consolidation
Pages: 205-208