Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: E-waste recycling practices in Bangladesh
Authors: A.S.M. Riyad, Kh.
Mahbub Hassan, M. Jabed Iqbal, M. Abdur Rahim, S.M.Wasi
Abstract: The electrical and electronics
industry is one of the world’s fastest growing
manufacturing sectors.As a result of this rise in
production, as well as the increasing rate of product
obsolescence, waste from electrical and electronic
equipment, or e-waste, has become the fastest-growing
waste stream in the (post-) industrialized world.
Sustainable management for e-waste recycling is a
concerning fact in bangladesh to lessen environment
pollution and health problems, which are attracting
growing public interest. This study helps to scrutiny
the existing e-waste management process and introduces
proposals for the sustainable management of e-waste
products including the potentials of best possible
recycling in the existing system. A structured
questionnaire has been processed in dhaka and chittagong
and existing literature were reviewed. Around 1,20,000
urban poor from the informal sector have been found to
be involved in the e-waste recycling trade chain in
dhaka city area where only children (under 10 year of
age) accounted for approximately 50,000; amongst them
about 40% were involved in ship breaking yards. Workers
in the recycle shops were found to be less paid with
monthly wages approximately bdt 3000 while a day
labourer earns almost double approximately bdt 200 per
day. The results of the study would provide us important
insight into the growing concern of e-waste and would
help us to gather input for designing policy measure to
recycle e-wastes in a hazard-free manner.
Keywords: E-Waste, Environmental Impacts,
Health Impact, Hotspot, Recycling