Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Title: Study on the Performance of Different Coagulants for
Turbidity and Color Removal
Authors: S. M.
Moniruzzaman, Mehedi Hasan Mishuk, Quazi Shammas Sayeed,
Md. A. T. Fahmidur Rahman
Abstract: Water is a prime necessity and
potable water is now a basic need of time for human
being. The two third of the world contain water; out of
this amount, 97.5% is unusable due to presence of salt.
To solve this problem, salt free surface water can be an
alternative source for drinking water. However, surface
water is usually rich in turbidity and color. Turbidity
imparts a great problem in water treatment. The current
study aims at presenting the objective approach of jar
test for the purpose of finding out optimum dose for
different coagulants (including chemical and
bio-coagulant) for both turbidity and color removal.
Based on that optimum dose, the removal performance of
turbidity and color was also investigated. The effect of
pH, alkalinity and temperature were studied and
optimized. The achieved optimum dose was used to compare
the removal performance of turbidity and color at
different slow mixing period. Among four different
coagulants, namely aluminum sulphate, ferrous sulphate,
ferric chloride and PG-M, the lowest optimum dose was
found for ferric chloride as 28.0 mg/L for turbidity and
24.0 mg/L for color removal. The highest removal
performance was obtained for a slow mixing period of
20.0 to 25.0 minutes.
Keywords: Coagulants, Optimization,
Removal Performance, Turbidity, Color.
Pages: 163-168