Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Title: Characteristics and management of commercial solid waste
in Khulna city of Bangladesh
Authors: A.S.M.
Riyad, Kh. Mahbub Hassan, Md. Azizur Rahman, Mahbub
Abu Sayed Mohammad Akid
Abstract: A massive volume of solid waste
is generated every day in the city areas and
unfortunately solid waste management is being
deteriorated day by day due to the limited resources in
handling the increasing rate of generated waste.
Sustainable management for commercial solid waste is a
concerning fact in Khulna city to lessen environment
pollution and health problems which are also contribute
to the climate changes. This study helps to scrutiny the
existing management process and introduces a new
proposal of management process to abate environmental
pollution. The study has been conducted in the third
largest city in the country Khulna,located in the
southern part of Bangladesh to determine the generation
rates, physical composition and characterization of
commercial solid waste (CSW) and to identify the current
situation of commercial solid waste management. A
structured questionnaire was processed and waste
collected from different waste generating sources was
segregated and weighed. Commercial solid waste
generation rate was found 0.44kg/person/day and an
average commercial unit generated 3.93 kg of waste per
day. In the generation of CSW, vegetable/food waste was
highest (44%) followed by 17% of packaging material and
13% of plastic/polythene/rubber and lowest (2%) found as
can/metal/tin. By weight, 51% of the waste was
compostable in nature. It is necessary to take
initiatives by both public and private sectors for
effective management of waste.
Keywords: Commercial solid waste, Compostable,
Commercial category, Generation, Management