Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 02 APRIL 2014:

Title:          Evaluation a potential of biomass for combination biomass gasification - electric generation in Vietnam using Geospatial Software
      Cuong Tien NGUYEN, Luong Hoang PHAM, Tu Huy NGUYEN, Linh Tuan LE, Tho Dinh Son VAN
     Geospatial software (GS) was innovated and developed by National Laboratory of Renewable Energy (NLRE). It is a powerful tool for evaluation and assessment of Biomass sources for researching areas. The data of GS was updated the biomass of Vietnam based on “Statistical handbook 2010”. GS is focused on agricultural biomass residue and classifies into 5 catalogues: Rice crop, corn crop, peanut crop, sugar cane crop and cassava crop residues. Detail biomass source of each catalogues could be evaluated and assessed for every province of Vietnam. In specific location with its distance to surrounding areas, obtainable of biomass source could be calculated by GS. The combination and integration with HOMER software be able to analyze an economic and environmental impact for application of biomass source for off-rid electric generation.

Biomass, Biomass gasifier, Biomass generator, Geospatial and E-Homer software
:        109-115

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