Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 02 APRIL 2014:

Title:       Use of Information Technology and Numerical methods to increase the thermal performance of Biomass based renewable fuel
      Ranipet Hafeez Basha, Shuichi Torii
    Over the past few years there has been a prolific increase in the use of information technology in various research areas. Its application in renewable and non-conventional energy sector has improved the performance in order to compete with the fossil fuels. Biomass as a suitable replacement to coal in electricity generation is already undergoing heterogeneous waste processing through automation for better calorie of fuel.In this study the biomass is classified into different types of waste materials based on its role in combustion and each type is coded with its physical and chemical parameters with the help of proximate and ultimate analysis.These values are stored in a database which can be accessed and managed by the user through a computer simulator to calculate the energy for different compositions. The computer simulator was developed in our laboratory by considering essential features and its working was tested with biomass samples.The simulation results shall be compared with those of physical experiment in a biomass boiler to validate the computer simulator. However there is a need of computer predictor as it will be difficult for the user to test various samples to obtain the most optimum sample. Combinatorial optimization based numerical method was implemented to develop such predictor which can limit the number of samples for physical experimentation.Hence the use of information technology and numerical methods along with pre-processing of biomass would result in production of advanced material and high calorie fuel.

Biomass, Computer Simulator, Computer Predictor, Combustion, High Calorie Fuel
:        105-108

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