Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Title: Alternative building materials using fine ground
granulated blast furnace slag and fine demolition debris
Authors: Shriharsha, Murthy
Abstract: The major problem in
construction industry is the disposal of demolition
debris of old structures,especially in metropolitan
cities. Investigations are being made all over the world
to utilize these wastes for useful purposes. The need
for utilization of these wastes has become increasingly
acute in order to meet challenges of rapidly depleting
natural resources for building products as well as
construction material. The scope of this project work is
to study the utilization of demolition debris from old
structures of construction industries and the blast
furnace slag which is easily available from iron ore
industries for manufacturing the test samples in various
batch mix proportions with 53 grade cement; providing a
stage for further research in this aspect, using the
feasible results from experimental studies, in order to
manufacture test blocks or bricks as
practicable.Laboratory tests are carried out to assess
the physical properties like compression strength and
water absorption on these test samples. The strength
characteristics of all the above samples with standard
mixes and modified proportions are studied. The
compressive strength and water absorption are calculated
for each sample and are compared with each mix and
conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: Water Absorption (WA),
Compressive Strength (CS), Demolition Debris, Ground
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS), Sand
Pages: 86-88