Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 02 APRIL 2014:

Title:            Impact of Alternative Sources of Energy on Carbon Footprint Reduction - A System Dynamics Approach
   Mahesh Prabhu H.,Lewlyn L.R. Rodrigues,Girish Nair,Manamohana K, Gopalakrishna Barkur, Asish Oommen Mathew, Venugopal Shanbhogue A.
  The consumption of fossil fuels is increasing day by day due to the growing demand from industries,households and automobiles. As a result, the emissions of greenhouse gases are also on the rise. This not only causes various health problems, but also has ill effects on the environment such as global warming. On the other hand, the fuel prices have been increasing drastically owing to the increase in the demand and underutilization of alternative sources of energy.Hence, there is a need to decrease the usage of fossil fuels and thereby reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.This research paper studies the impact of using renewable sources of energy on the reduction in carbon dioxide emission. System dynamics approach of modeling and simulation has been exploited in this research. The cumulative demand for fossil fuels in households and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted is calculated as a result. The reduction in carbon dioxide emission by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and thereby increasing the usage of renewable sources of energy has been simulated. Implications have been drawn to enhance the utilization of alternative sources of energy to ensure sustainability.

Renewable Sources of Energy, Carbon Footprint, System Dynamics
Pages:        76-79

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