Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Title: Conservation of electrical energy on SET-JU campus
through auditing and optimal alternative techniques
Authors: Padmini V.
Abstract: An energy audit is a
study of plant or facility to determine how and where
energy is used and to identify methods for energy
savings. If we reduce the energy usage or improve the
energy efficiency in a building, energy can be conserved
and some of the resulting environmental problems such as
green house effect, ozone depletion can be alleviated.
In this work an attempt is being made to ascertain
energy utilization effectiveness at our premier
university environment that is in our Campus School of
Engineering and technology, Jain University. The effort
shall be focused on creating a value stream map that is
a lean manufacturing technique used to analyse and
design the flow of materials and information required to
bring a product or service to consumer of the energy
flow across the university infrastructure. This shall
involve measurement of efficiency related to major
energy utilities such as heating, lighting and plumbing
loads.Furthermore, data collected from these
measurements shall be evaluated to determine efficiency
and commercially viable solution or recommendation shall
be proposed to improve existing efficiency.For the
recommendations proposed payback period will be
calculated. Through our work we would also emphasize on
the importance of sustainability concept based on energy
Keywords: Energy audit, Energy
conservation, Energy efficiency
Pages: 64-70