Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:
Title: Comparative analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from
major cities of India
Authors: Sridevi H.,
Shreejith K., T. V. Ramachandra
Abstract: Concentration of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere has increased rapidly due to
anthropogenic activities resulting in significant
increase in the temperature of the earth causing global
warming. This is quantified using an indicator like
global warming potential (GWP) and expressed as tonnes
carbon dioxide equivalent. Assessing the greenhouse gas
emissions is an important step towards making
quantifiable emission reductions. This study focuses on
estimating the greenhouse gas emission from major cities
in India namely Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Chennai and
Bangalore across various sectors and expresses the total
emission in terms of Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq).
Emissions from key sectors like electricity,
transportation, industries,agriculture, waste and others
have been computed. Country specific emission factors
have also been used to reduce estimation uncertainties.
The total Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions are
compared with their economic activity, measured in terms
of GDP.The result shows Chennai emits highest CO2 eq
emissions per GDP followed by Delhi.
Keywords: Green house gases (GHG), Carbon
footprint, Carbon dioxide equivalent, Emissions, Gross
domestic product (GDP).
Pages: 38-43