Int. J. Renewable Energy & Environmental Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2014:

Title:       Indian sparrows on the brink of extinction: population dynamics combined with ecological changes
      Vasanth Kamath, Asish Oommen Mathew, Lewlyn L. R. Rodrigues
    The Indian sparrow, popularly known as the House sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus), is the most wide spread subspecies of the sparrow family (Passer domesticus) in India. Of late, due to its vanishing numbers the bird has lost prominence. These birds are termed as the indicators of the environmental health and their decline is a warning signal to all of us. This research paper attempts to use the concept of System Dynamics to explain the reason as to why these dramatic changes in the house sparrow population have occurred in the last few years, and demonstrate it through Causal loop diagrams. Specifically, it explores the structural characteristics of the house sparrow population, focusing on feeding and breeding. It also discusses certain measures like the effect of implementation of bio-fertilizers, and the creation of awareness to develop an ecosystem where they can continue to co-exist in harmony and not follow the ‘dodo’trail.

Passer domesticus indicus, ecosystem, population, system dynamics, causal loop diagram
Pages:         17-22

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